Cross-curricular topics

Guy Fawkes, Bonfire Night and the Gunpowder Plot - 2 powerpoints, 12 display files and 15 activities
A powerpoint story of Guy Fawkes, the Gunpowder Plot and why we celebrate Bonfire Night, with classroom activities to print and display resources.
Guy Fawkes - Two versions; one for KS1 and one for KS2. It details Guy Fawkes' life, and how he became involved with the other conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot; it explains how he was caught, and why people now celebrate Bonfire Night.
Bonfire night acrostic poem
Bonfire Night topic cover
Fire border for displaying work
Fireworks border
Gunpowder plot and Guy Fawkes sequencing
Gunpowder plot black and white pictures (for colouring/display)
Gunpowder plot cards
Gunpowder plot word mat
Guy Fawkes topic cover
Letter to Mounteagle
Newspaper report x 4 - Guy Fawkes, The arrest and The conspirators
Blank scroll
A-Z Flame lettering
Bonfire Night banner
A4 title
Large lettering Bonfire Night
Fireworks border for displays
Confession letter of Guy Fawkes
Guy Fawkes title
Main conspirators poster
Portraits of James I and Guy Fawkes
Posters - Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot
The Fireworks code
The Gunpowder plot pictures

EYFS / KS1 Farm animal topic: powerpoints, displays and role play pack
A variety of resources on a Farm Animals topic - powerpoint lessons and games, printable displays, rhymes, props and colouring sheets.

EYFS Animals topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use during an Animal topic in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
5 Baby turtles
5 Little birds
5 Little monkeys bouncing
5 Little monkeys swinging
5 Little spiders
8 Enormous dinosaurs

EYFS Food topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use when teaching about food in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
One potato Two potato
5 Big Lemons
5 Crispy Pancakes
5 Currant Buns
5 Fat Peas
10 Fat Sausages

Christmas powerpoint pack - Nativity story, winter poetry, problem solving, Xmas carols
5 Little Reindeer: The song
Can you solve the problems for Santa - 15 problem solving questions (Suitable for Y1, but you could adapt it for other years)
Christmas around the World - How Christmas is celebrated in 12 other countries
Christmas Carols - Words for Silent Night; The First Noel; We Three Kings; Away in a Manger
Christmas Songs - Words for Frosty the Snowman; Jingle Bells; Must be Santa; Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer; We wish you a Merry Christmas
Christmas Facts - Interesting facts about Christmas
Jingle Bells - The song
The Nativity Story
The Three Kings poem
Twinkle Twinkle
Winter Poetry

The Arctic: ( animals and Ocean) powerpoint,display, worksheets and activities
A set of printable resources (display, worksheets, games and activities) plus a PowerPoint about the Arctic, the Arctic Ocean and animals in the Arctic.
The set contains:
The Arctic PowerPoint. It covers:
What is the weather like in the Arctic?
Where is the Arctic?
What is the Arctic Circle?
The North Pole
What plants grow in the Arctic Circle
What animals live in the Arctic Circle - herbivores and predators
Arctic birds
Arctic whales
Arctic sea animals
Humans and the Arctic
2 A4 headings
Alphabet polar bears
Anagram worksheet - Arctic animals
A-Z lettering with an snowy background; all letters of the alphabet, plus numbers and punctuation, plus ‘The Arctic’ in large letters
Bookmarks to cut out and colour, with polar bears
Display border - with pictures of polar bears
Cards - Arctic animals for games or display
Factfile sheets - for children to research and fill in
Flags - The countries bordering the Arctic Circle
Map showing satellite imagery of the Arctic Circle
A map of the Arctic Circle
Masks - black and white animals from the Arctic
Number line to 20 with digits and written numbers with a polar bear background
Passport to fill in for a trip to the Arctic
Pictures of Arctic animals to cut out and use in topic work
Pictures of Arctic animals to print out for display
Postcard to write from the Arctic
Set of posters with explanations and photographs of:
The location of the Arctic
Arctic plants
The Inuit
Arctic animals
Polar bear
Arctic fox
Arctic owl
Arctic tern
Snow geese
Arctic hare
Arctic squirrel
Topic covers - 3 different versions
Vocabulary cards - Arctic adjectives for composition
Writing border sheets - lined and unlined

Short history of the United Kingdom powerpoint
A 14 page powerpoint suitable for primary children showing the changes in the four countries of the UK from the Iron Age tribes to today. The presentation explains how Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland got their names, and how Britain and the UK were names.
The pages are headed:
Iron Age Tribes
The Roman Conquest
The Vikings
The Norman Conquest
The Middle Ages
The Tudors
The Stuarts
Georgian Britain
Victorian Britain and the British Empire
Irish Independence
The Commonwealth
The European Union

Year 3 Science topic pack
This set contains resources for the 5 different science topics in Y3. The resources include powerpoint lessons, worksheets, display and outline planning documents.

Dinosaurs, fossils and palaeontologists: powerpoint lessons for EYFS KS1 KS2
Powerpoint files:
Dinosaur AfL - 7 different questions to pose to the children before the topic begins.
Where and when did the dinosaurs live - Looks at Pangaea, and the timescale involved and how long ago it was.
Dinosaur discoveries - Looks at how fossils were found and ideas emerged about dinosaurs. Talks about early ‘palaeontologists’ including Robert Plot, Robert Buckland, Mary Anning, Mary Ann and Gideon Mantell, Richard Owen and their discoveries.
How fossils are formed - A step by step guide
Dinosaur diets - herbivores, carnivores and omnivores
What happened to the dinosaurs - looks at different theories of why dinosaurs became extinct.

Flowers cards - For display, activities, observations etc.
A set of A5 cards containing 58 different common UK flowers. Each card contains the name of the plant / flower and a photograph.
Also included are two A4 titles and large 'Flowers' lettering

Huge Christmas pack - cards, colouring, display, activities and powerpoints
A bumper set of interactive whiteboard, display and printable crafts and activities, suitable for KS1 or lower KS2. The pack includes:
5 Little Reindeer
Can you solve the problems for Santa - 15 problem solving questions (Suitable for Y1, but you could adapt it for other years)
Christmas around the World - How Christmas is celebrated in 12 other countries
Christmas Carols - Words for Silent Night; The First Noel; We Three Kings; Away in a Manger
Christmas Songs - Words for Frosty the Snowman; Jingle Bells; Must be Santa; Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer; We wish you a Merry Christmas
Christmas Facts - Interesting facts about Christmas
Jingle Bells - The song
The Nativity Story
The Three Kings poem
Twinkle Twinkle
Winter Poetry
Who wants to be a millionaire Christmas quiz
The Three Wise Men / Christmas / The Nativity
A-Z LETTERING - Includes all upper and lower cases, numbers and punctuation.
Baubles / Christmas / Reindeer / Snowflake / Snowmen / Christmas Stockings.
Contains 27 words with accompanying pictures
A set of 12 different designs for the children to colour, paint or decorate.
Each card contains ‘Merry Christmas’ lettering, which can be coloured in; and a black and white image of either:
Three Wise men / Baby Jesus / Baubles / Bells / Reindeer / Santa / Star / Stocking / Tree /Tree and doves / Tree scene.
All you need to do is print them out and let the children choose a design
A range of Christmas activities to make and do
Christmas Alphabet / Christmas code breaker / Christmas tree poem / Christmas wordsearch - 3 different versions.
Santa list x3 versions / Santa beard list / Santa star list / Tree list
Santa letter 1 / Santa letter 2
Christmas border / Elves and lights border / Santa border / Star border / Stocking border
Christmas colouring - 13 various pictures / Nativity colouring - 12 pictures / Elves colouring - 7 pictures / Snowmen colouring - 6 pictures / Reindeer colouring - 7 pictures / Santa colouring - 10 pictures / Plus 7 assorted sheets with accompanying title to colour.

Feelings / emotions cards
Four different card sets containing different emotions. The sets include:
18 cards showing different emotions with photographs of girls’ faces
18 cards showing different emotions with photographs of boys’ faces
12 cards with different emoticons
9 cards with girl clipart faces
Plus 2 A4 sheets of black and white emoticons to use for activities with the children.

Christmas display pack - headings and lettering
The Three Wise Men
The Nativity
A-Z LETTERING - Includes all upper and lower cases, numbers and punctuation.
Christmas Stockings.